Perkins Coie and the National Cannabis Laboratory Council (NCLC) are proud to announce the release of “Standardizing Cannabis Lab Testing Nationally,” a white paper authored by numerous lab scientists and operators from around the country and edited by Perkins Coie attorneys.
As the legal cannabis market continues to expand, and potential federal legalization and inevitable interstate commerce loom on the horizon, it is imperative that federal agencies address the discrepancies among state testing requirements and develop a standardized testing regime. The establishment of national standards will create a pathway for interstate commerce of cannabis products, resolve the issues associated with varying state-based testing requirements, and protect public health by ensuring that testing for certain pesticides, elemental impurities, and harmful additives will be consistent throughout the United States.
NCLC proposes a unified approach to testing based on data from participating laboratories and scientifically recognized standards. The group specifically suggests setting national standards governing (1) standard test panels setting forth specific compounds to include in an analysis, (2) sampling requirements and testing methodologies, and (3) lab accreditation and proficiency testing requirements. Read the white paper here.